segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 87

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Of bishops and giant pawns
28.07.2010 – In endgames with bishops of opposite colours it is well known that the likelihood of a draw is particularly high. But when the bishop resembles a giant pawn, as in our present example, problems are of course also on the cards in this type of endgame.
What sequence of moves did Black (to move) use to bring about a winning position here?

Analysis by GM Karsten Müller on ChessBase Magazine Online.

Middelveld-Peng, Netherlands 2009

In endgames with bishops of opposite colours it is well known that the likelihood of a draw is particularly high. But when the bishop resembles a giant pawn, as in our present example, problems are of course also on the cards in this type of endgame. What sequence of moves did Black (to move) use to bring about a winning position here?

Analysis Middelveld-Peng by GM Karsten Müller.

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