sexta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 90

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A difficult decision
06.08.2010 – The fact that even simple looking rook endings can be very tricky is exemplified in this example from the Bundesliga. For the moment the black king is shut off from the kingside, where the pair of white passed pawns is heading for promotion. But Black too can still throw his passed pawn into the balance, which greatly complicates matters. Which continuation do you think still offers Black drawing chances here: 53...Rc4, to support the advance of the passed pawn, or 53...Ra8, to harass the white king with checks?
Analysis by GM Karsten Müller on ChessBase Magazine Online.

Hoffmann-Van Delft, Bundesliga 2010

The fact that even simple looking rook endings can be very tricky is exemplified in this example from the Bundesliga. For the moment the black king is shut off from the kingside, where the pair of white passed pawns is heading for promotion. But Black too can still throw his passed pawn into the balance, which greatly complicates matters. Which continuation do you think still offers Black drawing chances here:

53...Rc4, to support the advance of the passed pawn, or
53...Ra8, to harass the white king with checks?

Analysis Hoffmann-Van Delft by GM Karsten Müller.

Your judgement, please - Pt. 89

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Estaban involucradas en la partida todas sus piezas...
...cuando Parimarjan Negi, en la primera ronda del Torneo de los Jóvenes Grandes Maestros del Festival de Biel, de repente jugó 26...Txd4 para forzar el cambio de la torre blanca en d1. ¿Cómo evaluaría Ud. la situación para las blancas?
A) Fracasarán debido al subdesarrollo de sus piezas en el flanco de dama.
B) Aguantarán a duras penas.
C) Ganarán de manera forzada.
La solución está aquí, pero antes de mirarla le sugerimos que reflexione sobre el problema

Parimarjan Negi, en la primera ronda del Torneo de los Jóvenes Grandes Maestros del Festival de Biel, de repente jugó 26...Txd4 para forzar el cambio de la torre blanca en d1. ¿Cómo evaluaría Ud. la situación para las blancas?
A) Fracasarán debido al subdesarrollo de sus piezas en el flanco de dama.
B) Aguantarán a duras penas.
C) Ganarán de manera forzada.

