sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 64

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

The Achilles heel h2...
02.04.2010 – ... Black had spotted in this position when he went for 28...Bh3 to allow his c-rook to forcefully occupy the second rank while clearing the diagonal b6-g1. How would you assess the situation after the capture of the bishop?
A) Black wins;
B) the position is balanced;
C) White gets the advantage.

The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

The Achilles heel h2 Black had spotted in this position when he went for 28...Bh3 to allow his c-rook to forcefully occupy the second rank while clearing the diagonal b6-g1. How would you assess the situation after the capture of the bishop?

A) Black wins;
B) The position is balanced;
C) White gets the advantage.


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