sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009

Estudo - Your judgement, please

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Your judgement, please
05.06.2009 – In our weekly column, Oliver Reeh presents a simple chess problem in our CBM Blog. In the diagram left – White to move after 24...Qd6 – which of the following evaluations of the position is correct?
A) Black wins, since he conquers the pinned knight;
B) White has a sacrificial continuation which, however, only secures him a draw;
C) White actually wins.
You will find the solution in this annotated game Degraeve-Belezky. You can think about the problem by studying a lager version of the diagram.

In the diagram - White to move after 24...Qd6 - which of the following evaluations of the position is correct?
A) Black wins, since he conquers the pinned knight.
B) White has a sacrificial continuation which, however, only secures him a draw
C) White even wins.

Solution (game Degraeve-Belezky)

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