The rook strike on f7...
28.10.2010 – ... followed by a queen pin was what White couldn't resist in this position, being well aware of Black's strong passed pawn on b2. What do you think did 22.Rxf7 Rxf7 23.Qc4 bring about at the end?
A) victory for White;
B) victory for Black;
C) draw;
The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.
The rook strike on f7 followed by a queen pin was what White couldn't resist in this position, being well aware of Black's strong passed pawn on b2. What do you think did 22.Rxf7 Rxf7 23.Qc4 bring about at the end?
A) victory for White;
B) victory for Black;
C) draw;
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