quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

Your judgement, please - Pt. 131

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

The counterattack
26.04.2011 – The opponent's exposed king lured White into playing 42.Qe6xd6 in this position, attacking the Bc6 while enhancing his own dark-squared bishop. Which continuation leads to advantage for Black now?
A) 42...Rf1+
B) 42...Bxg2
C) neither nor, White is simply better

The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

The counterattack

The opponent's exposed king lured White into playing 42.Qe6xd6 in this position, attacking the Bc6 while enhancing his own dark-squared bishop. Which continuation leads to advantage for Black now?

A) 42...Rf1+
B) 42...Bxg2
C) neither nor, White is simply better
