segunda-feira, 5 de julho de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 81

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With a knight on f5...
05.07.2010 – ... the game often wins itself, as you can read in many text books on the attack. Just optically this piece always looks menacing, and here even a colleague is at the ready on g3. How do you judge the situation?
A) Black has too many pieces on the kingside, there can't be anything for White;
B) the first player gets a crushing attack, however, a clever preparation move is needed first;
C) she can strike right away.
The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

'With a knight on f5 the game often wins itself', is said in many text books on attack. Just optically this piece always looks menacing, and here even a colleague is at the ready on g3. How do you judge the situation?

A) Black has too many pieces on the kingside, there can't be anything for White;
B) the first player gets a crushing attack, however, a clever preparation move is needed first;
C) she can strike right away.
