domingo, 7 de março de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 56

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The duel of knights and queens...
26.02.2010 – ... was literally the central theme in this position. White has a threat - which knight move secures the draw for Black?

A) 29...Nc5
B) 29...Nxb2
C) 29...Nf4

The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

White has a threat - which knight move secures the draw for Black?
A) 29...Nc5
B) 29...Nxb2
C) 29...Nf4


Your judgement, please - Pt. 55

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A rook full of tricks
03.03.2010 – Okay, the analysis of last week's endgame set you a pretty hard task. But since you are really up to speed on this material, there is an equally hard one for you this week.

After 72...Rb4+ (diagram) White had an important decision to take in the game Romanov-Vescovi: should he move his king aside to g5, in order to advance his h-pawn as quickly as possible, or is perhaps 73.Kh3 the better choice? Work out both variations – but be warned: there are all sorts of hidden tricks!

White to move. Analyse the variations 73.Kg5 and 73.Kh3 and compare your findings with the analysis by Karsten Müller.

Analysis Romanov-Vescovi by GM Karsten Müller

Video-DVD rook endgames in the shop.

Your judgement, please - Pt. 54

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The World Champion at work...
05.03.2010 – ... the German chess fans had the pleasure of watching at the last Bundesliga weekend in Heidelberg, when Vishy Anand's club OSG Baden-Baden had to acknowledge their first defeat of the season versus title contender Werder Bremen. This is his white game from Sunday. How would you assess the situation after 23...Qxe5? A) White is in trouble since the bishop f7 can't move; B) this piece can be unpinned, but Black has no problems whatsoever; C) White wins by force.

The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

A) White is in trouble since the bishop f7 can't move;
B) this piece can be unpinned, but Black has no problems whatsoever;
C) White wins by force.
