quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 53

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

Barriers and bodychecks
24.02.2010 – The position in the diagram is from the game Bu Xiangzhi-McShane. Black will soon have to give up the rook for the a-pawn and when that happens the decisive question is whether the duo of black king and f-pawn are favourably enough placed to draw against the rook and the king. Amongst the weapons in Black's arsenal, there is above all the bodycheck in order to keep the white king at a distance. White, on the other hand, can get to work with a barrier. Sharpen up your analytical abilities by trying to work out the solution and comparing what you find with GM Karsten Müller's analysis. It's well worth the effort! CBM Online.

White to move. Can he win the ending or can Black hold the draw? Work out your own solution and compare it with the analysis by Karsten Müller.

Analysis Bu Xiangzhi-Mc Shane by GM Karsten Müller

Video-DVD rook endgames in the shop.

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 52

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

Duel of the minor pieces
18.02.2010 – In the analysis of Short-Kramnik ("the wrong choice of ending") we saw a knight that had everything under its control triumph over the bishop. But having the superior minor piece does not always guarantee the full point, as can be seen in the game McShane-Sebag. White has an extra pawn and the last black pawn is fixed on the same colour square as the bishop. Black should be able to save the game here, because the winning potential in the position is just too slight. However, the reason for 134....Kd7? being the wrong move and how Black could have held the draw can be seen in Karsten Müller's analysis for ChessBase Magazine Online.

Black unnecessarily conceded space with 134...Kd7?. What should he have played instead?
Analysis Mc Shane-Sebag by GM Karsten Müller

Your judgement, please - Pt. 51

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

Open f-file versus open c-file...
19.02.2010 – ... was the scenario in this game from the Austrian Bundesliga, where White had just played 28.Bf4-c1, giving his rooks free view to the black king. How would you assess the situation now?

A) White wins due to the threat 29.Rf1+;
B) the game should end in a perpetual check
C) Black wins.
The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

White played 28.Bf4-c1, giving his rooks free view to the black king. How would you assess the situation now?

A) White wins due to the threat 29.Rf1+;
B) the game should end in a perpetual check
C) Black wins.


quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

Curso de xadrez gratuito na na FZEA da USP!

Notícia retirada do site Clubedexadrez.com.br.

Gustavo von Atzingen e o Prof. Dr. Juan Linares coordenam a partir de 11 de março o curso de xadrez na FZEA da USP. Inscrições gratuitas (20 vagas). Confiram no folder abaixo:

sábado, 13 de fevereiro de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 50

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

Su valoración, por favor
El rey en el centro es un tema clásico. En esta partida clave de la Bundesliga Alemana, el actual Campeón del Mundo sub-20 había sacrificado un peón para abrirse paseo hacia el rey negro, lo cual fue respondido con 16...f6. ¿Cuál es su veredicto sobre esa continuación?
A) Es un error: las blancas podrán penetrar la posición de manera decisiva.
B) Una buena jugada: las negras repelen al alfil y consolidarán su peón de más.
C) Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. La posición sigue equilibrada.
La solución está aquí, pero antes de mirarla le sugerimos que reflexione sobre el problema

Las negras han jugado 16...f6. ¿Cómo valoraría Ud. esta continuación?

A) Es un error, las blancas podrán penetrar la posición de manera decisiva.
B) Una buena jugada, las negras echan atrás al alfil y consolidarán su peón de más.
C) Mucho ruido y pocas nueces. La posición sigue equilibrada.

La solución...

Your judgement, please - Pt. 49

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

10.02.2010 – Although there are of course beautiful examples of zugzwang in the middlegame, it is much more a motif from endgames, many of which could not be won without zugzwang. Even when there is a clear superiority in material, as for exampe in the duel between a rook and a bishop, it is often only possible to make progress by employing zugwang. Here is a typical example. After 68.Kb5 Black could, with the correct continuation, have retained his chances of a draw. What that was and the instructive winning method used by White after 68...Bc5? are things you can find out from Karsten Müller's analysis in ChessBase Magazine Online.

Position after 68.Kb5. How can White make progress after 68...Bc5? ?
Analysis Dragun-Leniart...

sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010

Calendário de eventos enxadrísticos - Fevereiro 2010

Retirado do site Clube de Xadrez.

Calendário de fevereiro

Atualizado em 06/02 às 14h32 (horário de verão) - Bom dia, Danilo Epitácio Neves Rosa! - Aberto de Itú é o grande destaque do fim de semana - prossegue neste sábado, com rodada dupla, o IRT da Casa do Xadrez de Belo Horizonte e também a etapa de abertura do circuito da Liga Goiana, na capital anhanguera - começou há pouco a terceira etapa do Circuito Frango Assado, na paulista Sumaré - Jornal "O Estado de São Paulo" está sob censura há inconcebíveis 190 dias.

1 a 7: 3º IRT Casa do Xadrez - fechado, 10 jogadores - em andamento - hoje e amanhã, rodadas duplas finais. Hoje às 10h e 19h e amanhã às 10h e 16h - Igor Campos foi o único a vencer nas cinco primeiras rodadas.

2 a 10: Torneio classificatório para o IRT de Carnaval - Brasília - em andamento

5 a 7: Etapa inaugural da Liga Goiana - Goiânia - em andamento

5 a 7: CANCELADA - Final do Campeonato Absoluto Alto Paranaíba e Triangulo Mineiro de Xadrez Pensado 2009 - fechado, oito finalistas

5: Torneio Adulto da Tenda Multiartes Petrobrás - inscrições gratuitas, jogadores acima de 17 anos até o dia 4 às 22h pelo e-mail secretaria.fgx@hotmail.com - há 40 vagas - Tramandaí - encerrado

6 e 7: 3º Torneio do Circuito do Restaurante Frango Assado - Sumaré - SP - em andamento

7: 18º Aberto de Itú/etapa do Circuito Paulista Dinâmico - premiação: R$4.500,00 ( $900,00 ao campeão)

12 a 17: 2º IRT Magistral Petrolina - fechado, 12 jogadores - PE

12 a 16: IRT de Carnaval - Brasília

12 a 16: 7º Magistral RN - grupos A, B e C - Natal

13: 5º Aberto de Carnaval - etapa de abertura do 5º Circuito dos Feriados GXBG - premiação: R$300,00 ( $120,00 ao campeão ) - São Paulo

19 a 21: Etapa do Circuito Aberto do Brasil "Cidade Maravilhosa" - classificatório para a Semifinal do Campeonato Brasileiro - premiação: R$4.000,00 ( $1.000,00 ao campeão ) - Rio de Janeiro

20 a 28: Campeonato Paulista Interclubes - São Paulo

20 e 21: Etapa de Juruaia do Campeonato Mineiro Absoluto - clasifica 20 jogadores para a Semifinal e todas as jogadoras automaticamente para a Final Feminina - premiação: R$750,00 ( $250,00 ao campeão )

20 e 21: Campeonato Intermunicipal Cearense por Equipes - inscrições mediante a doação de uma lata de leite em pó por componente da equipe - Maracanaú

20: 4ª e última etapa ( 2009 ) do 9° Circuito de Rápidas de Lacerdópolis - 6 torneios simultâneos: Absoluto, Sub 16, Sub 14, Sub 12, Sub 10 e Sub 8 - inscrições feitas até dia 17 custam $5,00 - no Absoluto a liderança é de Gilmar Frigeri Junior ( Caçador ) - SC

21: 56º Memorial Júlio Guerra - etapa de abertura do Circuito Solidário GXBG/Casa Amarela de Santo Amaro - como em todas as etapas anteriores, inscrições mediante a doação de 1 kg de alimento não - perecível - São Paulo

27 e 28: Campeonatos Amazonenses Sub 14 a Sub 8 - Manaus

28: Torneio Mensal de Xadrez do Sesc Interlagos/2ª Etapa do Grand Prix, denominada "Carnaval" e integrada à programação Sesc Verão. Inscrições gratuitas e antecipadas, pelo e-mail xadrez@interlagos.sescsp.org.br

Your judgement, please - Pt. 48

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

Sherlock Holmes chess
06.02.2010 – A very original sequence happened in this Sicilian encounter from the recently finished festival in Wijk aan Zee. The black knight is attacked, but onto which square it should go now is only one question (A).
The other interesting issue is: what was actually White's last (and best!) move (B),
as a reaction in turn to which black move (C)?
What do you think, Watson?

The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

The black knight is attacked, but onto which square it should go now is only one question (A).
The other interesting issue is: what was actually White's last (and best!) move (B),
as a reaction in turn to which black move (C)?
What do you think, Watson?

quinta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2010

Your judgement, please - Pt. 47

Retirado do site Chessbase.com.

Fire on board...
04.02.2010 – ... has become Alexei Shirov's trademark. In the tournament in Wijk aan Zee, which Shirov started with five wins in a row, the 37-year-old chess magician from Riga once more justified this reputation. In many middlegame positions he managed to put his opponents under pressure with inventive attacking play. And even in the endgame, one always has to take into account that Shirov might set the board on fire. This happened in the eleventh round in his game against Vladimir Kramnik, where he played 35.c5! in the diagram position. GM Karsten Müller has analysed the endgame for ChessBase Magazine Online.

With 35.c5! Shirov set the board on fire

Analysis Shirov-Kramnik by GM Karsten Müller

Shirov's DVD Endgame Fireworks in the Shop