Caros colegas,
Bem vindos ao blog do CXH9, o Clube de Xadrez HAL 9000, fundado em 12 de Janeiro de 2008 no CCSP (Centro Cultural São Paulo) pelos eméritos colegas Anderson Gusmão de Lima, Diogo Moreira Bispo, João Paulo Condé de Oliveira Prado, este que vos fala (Rodrigo Augusto do Nascimento Ribeiro) e Sergio Amadeus Leon Lopes. Menções honrosas a Eduardo Patrick Ribeiro Lotaif e Marcello Silvestroni, que de certa maneira estiveram presentes e tem seus devidos créditos nessa fundação.
Su valoración, por favor... Un movimiento intermedio puede cambiar por completo la evaluación de una posición al instante. Aquí se acaba de realizar el movimiento 34.Cc4xe5 y ahora las negras plantean 34....g3 (véase en el diagrama) intentando desviar la dapa blanca para evitar que se le coma su peón d4. ¿Qué opina Ud.? A) Es una buena idea, obliga a 35.Dxg3 fxe5 reduciendo así cualquier inconveniente de las negras a un mínimo. B) Las blancas guardan un truco con un ataque camulfado en la columna e. C) Las negras saltan de la sartén directamente al fuego porque d4 está cayendo en todo caso. La solución está aquí, pero antes de mirarla le sugerimos que reflexione sobre el problema
26.10.2009– Here's a new angle on our beloved game: four players, who can strategically vary their starting position, and then play independently or join forces to capture the enemy kings. "Last man standing" is the winner. Originator Johnny M. Wahl says that this game is friendlier and more easily digestible than regular chess. He has enthusiastic videos to bear this out. Illustrated report.
Conquer the Kings
Four-way chess by Johnny M. Wahl
According to the author this game was created with two purposes in mind: "First, for those who already play chess, it is a fresh, exciting take on the classic game while maintaining the principles of movement and strategy that made the original so beloved. And second, for anyone who may have been intimidated by the original game, Conquer the Kings allows for learning to be had in a friendlier, perhaps more easily digestible manner. What's most intriguing is that neophytes and experts alike can sit at the same table and, at times and when necessary, join forces to reach the ultimate goal: Conquer the Kings!"
While you are contemplating Johnny Wahl's words and perusing the images below, you may want to listen to the Conquer the Kings theme song in the background. Click on the Play button to listen.
There are also two videos at the end of this report that demonstrate the game and its rules in vivid, enthusiastic fashion.
Conquer the Kings – basic equipment and setup
Each player starts behind their respective "Front Line" (the four rows closest to the player). Each has 16 pieces, exactly like in chess, and is allowed to place these on the 18 spaces provided anyway he or she likes. This allows setup strategy to be player specific and not board specific (as in chess).
Basic starting position for one side
Starting a game with the Basic Setup on all four sides
the "King's Defense" strategy setup
The "Chaos Left" starting setup
Starting strategy for "Arrow" formation
The object of the game is to conquer the other player's king, remove him and his army from the battlefield and continue until only one king and his army is left standing. Optionally once a king is captured and removed, the conqueror takes over the remaining pieces on the board as his own army to continue. A third variant leaves the remaining pieces on the board to be used as cannon fodder for the other players – they are obstacles that have to be cleared to open the board game up for play.
Kids take to the game quickly and with enthusiasm
Experimenting with Conquer the Kings at Hobby Town USA in Kennesaw, GA in June 2008.Hobby Town USA purchased five games in December 08 and has, so far, only sold one. But the game is on the shelf!
The game is displayed in the World Chess Hall-of-Fame & Sidney Samole Chess Museum located in Miami Florida – it is also on sale there in the Gift Shop
Video instructions
The the following clips Johnny M. Wahl explains how Conquer the Kings works.
The hanging bishop... 22.10.2009– ... was only one of White's problems here after 21... Qxg2, since Black not only threatens 22...Qxe2, but also to take the whole kingside apart. What is the best continuation for the first player? A) 22.Nxe6 B) 22.Rd8 C) 22.Bf1
The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.
21.10.2009– The endgame Carlsen-Wang Yue, which was presented last week by GM Karsten Mueller for ChessBase Magazine Online, in one variation ended in the diagrammed position with two knights against two pawns. This position is won for the knights' side although, as is well known, two knights alone can't force checkmate. Pivotal for victory is on which square a remaining pawn has to be blocked, determining the so-called Troitzky line. Since this has led to many requests, Karsten Mueller will explain the subject once more in detail in the following.
Su valoración, por favor Hay perfume de mate en la posición del diagrama, pero deben decidir cuales de las siguientes afirmaciones son ciertas a la vista de ella: A) las blancas disponen de un mate forzado tras ...Txa6; B) las blancas disponen de un mate forzado tras ...Axc6; C) las negras pueden dar mate ellas mismas. Por supuesto, para que la respuesta sea correcta, hay que explicar el cómo y el porqué. Como siempre en estos casos, les ofrecemos la solución aquí, pero antes de mirarla, le sugerimos que reflexione sobre el problema
The king as an attacking piece... 09.10.2009– ... on enemy territory. That was the theme in this game where White, a piece down, after 49....Be8 (diagram) was facing a difficult choice. Which evaluation of the position is correct? A) the first player must give perpetual check; B) he decides the game with 50.Qe4; C) he wins, but with another move.
The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger diagram.
The passed pawn on the seventh rank 06.10.2009– Whenever an opposing passed pawn reaches the seventh rank, the highest level of alarm is appropriate. But if it is possible to neutralise all possible dangers, such a passed pawn can even turn out to be a decisive weakness. In the fourth round of the Pearl Spring Tournament in Nanjing precisely this subject was up for discussion in the game between Jakovenko and Carlsen. (Diagram, White to move). Thanks to some inaccuracies on the part of his opponent, Magnus Carlsen was able to gather in both the opposing passed pawn and the full point. GM Karsten Müller has analysed the endgame Jakovenko-Carlsen for CBM Online.
Su valoración, por favor En esta ocasión la cosa va del jaco y de los jaques. Las blancas han dejado dos piezas sin proteger en su propio campo al jugar 33.Cxc4 (posición del diagrama), para intentar esquivar el ataque doble sobre Cc4 y Tf7 tras 33...Dd1+ y ...Dd5 con 34.Ce5. ¿Cómo valoraría usted la situación? A) aún así, las negras ganan material; B) las blancas tienen ventaja; C) la posición está equilibrada.
Tiene la solución aquí, pero antes de mirarla, le sugerimos que reflexione sobre el problema
Atualizado em 01/10 às 11h05 - Nuara Hayra Barreto e Máximo Yack Macedo, campeões potiguares de 2009 - Brasileiro Escolar em Araxá, Regional Sul Brasileiro em Porto Alegre e Campeonato Paulista Absoluto em Itapetininga serão os destaques do próximo fim de semana - jornal "O Estado de São Paulo" está sob censura há 62 dias" - ótimo mês de outubro a todos!
26 a 4/10: IRT Tabuleiro Cultural - fechado, 9 jogadores, em andamento. Liderança de Luiz Gulherme Abdalla - São Paulo
26 a 1/10: Torneio Internacional Itapeningano - Grupos A e B - SP - em andamento
1 a 4: Regional Sul do Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto - classifica 1 jogador da região para a Semifinal - premiação: R$7.000,00 ($1.500,00 ao campeão) - Porto Alegre
1 a 3: Final do Circuito Santacruzense - Santa Cruz do Sul - RS
2 a 4: Campeonato Paulista Absoluto/Etapa do Aberto do Brasil - duas vagas para a Semifinal do Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto - premiação: R$6.400,00 ($2.000,00 ao campeão) - Itapetininga
2 a 4: Campeonato Brasileiro Escolar - Araxá - MG
2 a 4: Campeonato Cearense do Interior - Quixadá
2 a 4: Zonal do Espírito Santo - classificatório para a Semifinal do Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto - para jogadores com rating Fide até 2199 - Santa Maria do Jetibá
3 e 4: Etapa de Duque de Caxias do Circuito Regional Fluminense - classificatório para os Campeonatos Carioca ou Do Interior, conforme a filiação - premiação: R$1.000,00
3: 4ª etapa da Copa Farias Brito Mirim (Sub 16) - inscrições gratuitas - Fortaleza
3: 5ª etapa da Copa Farias Brito Mirim (Sub 10) - inscrições gratuitas - Fortaleza
3: 3ª etapa da Copa Farias Brito Mirim (Sub 8) - inscrições gratuitas - Fortaleza
3: Torneio do Círio - Belém
4: Etapa do Circuito Paulista Dinâmico - premiação: R$1.000,00 - São Manuel
4: 4ª das 5 etapas do Campeonato Municipal de Rápidas Antonio Garcia Sampaio - premiação: R$60,00 ($30,00 ao campeão) - inscrições: R$5,00 - Barbalha
7 a 12: Competições enxadrísticas dos Jogos Abertos do Interior - São Caetano do Sul - SP
8 a 11: Zonal Potiguar - para jogadores com rating Fide inferior a 2200 - vaga na Semifinal do Brasileiro - Natal
9 a 12: Etapa "Lourenço João Cordioli" do Circuito Aberto do Brasil - vaga na Semifinal do Campeonato Brasileiro - premiação: R45.000,00 ($1.100,00 ao campeão) - Petrolina - SP
9 a 12 Regional Norte - vaga na Semifinal do Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto ao melhor cadastrado pela região - Manaus
9 a 12: IRT da Foz do Iguaçu - premiação: R$2.000,00 ($800,00 ao campeão) - PR
10 e 11: Campeonato Cearense do Interior - passagens e hospedagem na Final do Campeonato Cearense Absoluto ao campeão - Quixadá
10 a 12: Final do Campeonato Maranhense Absoluto - São Luis
10 a 12: Final do Campeonato Gaúcho Absoluto
10 a 12: Final do Campeonato Sergipano Absoluto - Aracajú
15 a 18: 8º Aberto de Registro - SP
16 a 2/11: 3º IRT da Federação Bahiana - Salvador
16 e 17: Memorial Humberto Salles - classificatório para torneios de normas GM e MI - Campinas - SP
17 a 25: Campeonato Cearense Absoluto - premiação: R$2.000,00 (metade ao campeão) - Fortaleza
17 e 18: Etapa de Araruama do Circuito Regonal Fluminense - classificatório para os Campeonatos Carioca ou Do Interior, conforme a filiação
23 a 1/11: Final das competições enxadrísticas dos Jogos Abertos do Paraná - Francisco Beltrão
23 a 28: Etapa de Recife do Circuito CBX de torneios de Norma de MI
24 e 25: Campeonato Cearense da Juventude - categorias Sub 20 a sub 8 - Fortaleza
25: Torneio Mensal do Sesc Interlagos - 8ª e penúltima etapa, denominada "Copa Sesc" - inscrições gratuitas e antecipadas pelo e-mail
30 a 4/11: Etapa de João Pessoa do Circuito CBX de torneios de Norma de MI
30 a 2/11: Etapa de Caxambú do Circuito Aberto do Brasil - vaga na Semifinal do Campeonato Brasileiro Absoluto - premiação: R$5.000,00 ($1.000,00 ao campeão) - MG 31 a 2/11: Final do Circuito Terra do Sol - Fortaleza
A match decided in an endgame 01.10.2009– In the Short-Efimenko match, which finished last Saturday in Mukachevo, the young Ukrainian player went straight into the lead in round one, but saw Short catch up immediately in the next round. The match was finally decided in round five - in a rook ending, in which the experienced English player demonstrated his faultless technique to secure the win. In the position in the diagram Short (White) was on the move and held on to his advantage with an accurate manoeuvre. Can you work out his 38th move? Our ChessBase Magazine endgame expert GM Karsten Müller has analysed the decisive phase of this game.